The Guitar Addiction

The Guitar Addiction


The Guitar Yard!

 As I look over these guitars, I realize how blessed I’ve been over the years to be given the chance to own them. I’m not one to want a collection and always felt uncomfortable having more than 1 guitar lying around. It seemed selfish of me to have another guitar that just didn’t get played while someone else could enjoy it. Growing up as a kid I couldn’t afford expensive gear, especially guitars. I never knew the difference between a Gibson guitar, a Memphis guitar, a Fender, or a Hondo guitar. Name-brand guitars just weren’t in my vocabulary.

 Over the past few years, I’ve seemed to have lost my sense of appreciation for what I have and just kept going on the hunt for the best guitar, losing myself in the selfishness of guitar buying. I now realize that it’s an addiction that can take you completely out of character and out of focus on who you are. I’ve lost friends over it and I just didn’t feel good about this accomplishment. Somehow I now realize all this and I’m making my way back to being me, back to appreciating the gift that has been given to me.

 This is the short version, someday I will elaborate more when I feel comfortable telling.

Until then,

 Appreciate the little things life gives you and try not to forget who you are. If you somehow get lost on your way, take a moment to reflect on where you came from and it might help you appreciate who you are now.

Feeling grateful,

John Price

Here is another link to The Guitar Yard

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