The Practice Room
The Practice Room

I just wanted to inform you about a section I have on the Music page called The Practice Room. I like to press the record button most of the time when I'm practicing just in case I come up with that million-dollar song. Yeah, you know what I mean. Here I'm going to include some of these sessions and they will be raw with no editing, just me jamming along coming up with the parts on the spot. I might include some of the demos that I created and then turned into songs from my albums. I have a ton of stuff lying around from over the years and as I listen to some of it I will upload what I feel is worthy of your listening experience. You might hear some gear samples (I love recording new gear just to hear what it sounds like) of new guitars or amps, maybe a new pedal, stuff like that.
So, remember that these recordings are just free jams and you don't need to get hyper-critical over them. There will be some sour notes or pauses especially if I stumble on a riff that I want to keep working on. I will try to include the gear that I was using if I can remember what I was using at that time.
I will be updating this section from time to time so keep checking in.
Hope you enjoy this free entertainment.
Click below to go to the Practice Room!